Rswx Recognises Bowie's Genius For Dave Project

Soulwax calls my name, “Hi Dave”…

David Bowie must be among the very first to praise the work of Soulwax, (albeit their side project, 2manydjs) when he mentioned them in a piece in The Times about mash-ups back in 2004, after being smitten by As Heard on Radio Soulwax Pt. 2 the previous year. (04.26.2004 NEWS: DAVID TALKS TO THE TIMES ABOUT MASH-UPS)

Here’s a quotation from DB from the article…


Mash ups were a great appropriation idea just waiting to happen. I first heard of them when 2manydj’s put out their album a year or so ago and have been following the evolution avidly ever since. Being a hybrid-maker off and on over the years, I’m very comfortable with the idea and have been the subject of quite a few pretty good mash-ups myself.

Visconti and I had an unintentionally Luddite fantasy in the seventies revolving around a plan to write songs in the style of several different artists, The Doors or Mark Bolan etc., and then record some backing tracks in the style of, say Hendrix or the Stones and then I would record the vocal tracks imitating Cliff, Lennon or the Supremes even (with slightly speeded up tape). Shame we never got on with it but you know how those rainy Tuesday afternoon brainstorms go. Nowhere, generally.


Soulwax have used bits of Bowie here and there over the years, most notably on Rebel Rebel (Soulwax Edit) on their 50,000,000 Soulwax Fans Can’t Be Wrong album.

However, they’ve now decided to go the whole hog with a Bowie special they have created called Dave. Here’s a bit from


Our homage to the man whose ability to change whilst remaining himself has been a massive influence on us. There are many legends in the music industry but for us, there is no greater than the mighty Dave. We’ve included all things Bowie, whether that is original songs, covers, backing vocals, production work or reworks we made, to attempt to give you the full scope of the man’s genius.


The release date and broadcast length are yet to be confirmed, but we’ll let you know as soon as we have them…Btw boys, don’t call him Dave…he doesn’t like it…just sayin’. 😉

Thanx to Ian ‘Starman’ Angel for the pointer and absolutely no thanx to Johnny ‘No Mates’ McJannet who could learn a thing or two about sniffing out the occasional exclusive from Mr Angel.

Total Blam Blam – (BowieNet News Editor)