Who‘s that girl? What‘s that tune?

“The stars must stick together”

It seems a few people are wondering about the beautifully Bowie-esque girl in the video for The Stars (Are Out Tonight).  

Well, it‘s 27-year-old Norwegian model, Iselin Vollen Steiro, and she plays the younger David Bowie in the band next door in the brilliant Floria Sigismondi-directed film.

She makes a pretty convincing job of it and has a few of the mannerisms down pat. And that shot by the window of the eyes? Great attention to detail.

We‘re not sure how Iselin applied for the part, but shoots like this make for a pretty good CV.

People have also been asking about the wonderfully atmospheric instrumental introduction to The Stars (Are Out Tonight) video.

Well, you may be pleased to learn that it’s available as a longer version in the shape of The Next Day bonus instrumental track, Plan