“Yassassin – I’m not a moody guy”
There’s a great piece over on salon.com wherein; “A David Bowie critic and an obsessive battle over maddening brilliance of Lodger”.
In other words, Simon Critchley and Rick Moody discuss “Bowie’s 1979 masterpiece, Lodger, and the way pop music mutates and deepens over time”, via this lengthy and fascinating email exchange.
If you’re not familiar with their work but think you’ve heard the names before, then that’s because you probably have.
Rick Moody is the chap who exclusively managed to get Bowie to talk about The Next Day last year, in the shape of a list of 44 words in an incredible piece for The Rumpus.
Simon Critchley is the author of the superb recently-published Bowie available from Or Books, eBook already available.
Finally, check out this recent interview with Critchley by Tyler Malone over on Full Stop.