Duffy/Bowie exclusive signed book and print offer


“Bow wow, woof woof“


As we mentioned previously, the Duffy Archive has made a generous offer to users of DavidBowie.com.

If you’ve not yet had a chance to see the remarkable Duffy/Bowie – Five Sessions book by Kevin Cann and Chris Duffy, then frankly, you’re missing out.

This fine publication is filled with wonderful recollections from the people who were present during the making of these iconic Brian Duffy images.

Five Sessions provides fascinating insights into the three album sleeve collaborations for Aladdin Sane (1973), Lodger (1979)  and Scary Monsters (1980). It also features sessions from 1972 and 1975.

The recently uncovered shot here of David with a Scottie Dog in London, 1979, is being made available exclusively to BowieNetters.

There is a separate offer for copies of the book signed by Kevin Cann and Chris Duffy, coupled with various other prints of Bowie.

So if you’re looking for something special for the Duffy-loving, Bowie fan friend or family member in your life, or perhaps you would just like to treat yourself, take a look at both the offers available exclusively to visitors of DavidBowie.com.


When prompted, enter the password: BOWIENET (all caps)


Offer 1: Signed Book & Mounted Print Offer

Offer 2: Bowie with Scottie Dog print


It should be noted that you can take advantage of both offers if you so wish.