“But I’ll be there for you-oo-oo”
For those of you disappointed not to get a ticket for the Labyrinth Masquerade Masked Ball at The Prince Charles Cinema in London on Saturday night (Feb 21), The Goblin King (pictured) has smiled upon you and magicked up an extra date for April.
Here’s a link to The Prince Charles Cinema with details of tomorrow night’s fun with Jareth and a link to the April 18 tickets.
The doors to the screen will open 10 minutes before the advertised time for our Masked Ballers to flow into the screen, where they shall then be serenaded by a selection of music videos featuring the one & only DAVID BOWIE.
10 minutes after the advertised start time, our “David Bowie” hosted pre-show will begin and should last no more than 15 minutes, and will lead seamlessly into a screening of LABYRINTH
Tickets: £13.50 Non Members / £11 Members
Back by popular demand!
Our Pre-Show hosted by “David Bowie” will feature a fancy-dress parade, with a prize for best dressed, the “Rules Of The Labyrinth” – who to cheer for, who to boo & who to wolf whistle (Jareth, obviously!), audience-wide singing along to Dance Magic.
Oh and masks are a must. But that’s a given with an event name like that.
PLEASE NOTE: Just to be completely crystal clear, when we put “DAVID BOWIE” in double quotes, it means we’re taking the mickey. Obviously Ziggy Stardust himself will not be compering our night, however we will have a lovely Bowie-esque impersonator up on stage doing a fantastic job!