Four Stars for Five Years box in MOJO


“MOJO the lion, yeah yeah”


Jim Irvin reviews the David Bowie (Five Years 1969 – 1973) box set in the new issue of MOJO (, which also has a full page advert for the September 25 release.

The magazine has awarded the set 4 out of 5 stars and we’ll leave you with Mr Irvin’s conclusion to the piece.


“In these five years he was pouring out everything he had, pop music that was funny, sexy, chilling and other things that others weren’t attempting. It hasn’t all aged well, but that antic spirit – the roll-up, here-you-go-Mrs, arts-lab hooligan with a huge left hemisphere – makes Bowie uniquely himself while being many other things, the creator of a body of work no one else has, or will, ever come close to.”


#FiveYearsBox  #DavidBowie