Complete Alan Clarke BFI Southbank Season


“Naked, young, immensely marvellous”


Tying in with the upcoming release of Dissent & Disruption: The Complete Alan Clarke at the BBC, there will be a celebration of the director’s work at a BFI Southbank Season from 28 March through 30 April 2016.

The BBC adaptation of Baal starring David Bowie was first broadcast in 1982 and this is the first time it has been made available to buy.

David Bowie in Bertolt Brecht’s Baal is available to pre-order on both Blu-ray and DVD as part of the Dissent & Disruption set due on 23 May 2016.

Read more about the BFI’s Dissent & Disruption season here.


#BowieInBaal  #BowieBFI  #AlanClarkeBBC