“There’ll be others on the line filing past, who’ll whisper Low”
Among the various celebrations of Low’s 40th birthday was a sweet piece by Moby on billboard, well worth a look for those that missed it.
Here’s a bit from the intro…
Forty years ago today, Jan. 14, 1977, David Bowie released Low, one of his several masterpieces and the first album of his “Berlin trilogy.” The heavily electronic, Krautrock-indebted art rock album signaled a new creative period for Bowie. It peaked at No. 11 on the Billboard 200 (a bit of a miracle given how experimental it is), but its impact on the next wave of synth-based and electronic musicians far outstretches its commercial performance.
To help contextualize and honor the album’s massive impact, techno legend Moby shared with Billboard his memories of discovering Low, the lesson it taught him, and a few stories about his friendship with the late icon. As told to Joe Lynch.
And here’s Moby’s conlusion…
Bowie was the patron saint of every new wave artist. Every person who bought a synthesizer was obsessed with David Bowie — Depeche Mode, New Order. The bands who helped birth electronic music, deep down, wanted to be David Bowie.
Read the full thing over on billboard.
#BowieLow #BowieMoby #Bowiebillboard