★ is MPG’s UK Album of the Year


“Sounds of laughter, shades of life are ringing through my open ears…”


David Bowie’s ★ album was given the Music Producers Guild (MPG) UK Album of the Year Award, at a ceremony for the 9th MPG Awards event at Grosvenor House, in London’s Park Lane this evening (Thursday 16th). The accolade was awarded to David Bowie and Tony Visconti.


Tony collected the gong, as he also did for MPG International Producer of the Year Award (sponsored by British Grove Studios). And to think he was only there to collect the MPG Outstanding Contribution to UK Music Award (sponsored by PPLUK).


Tom Elmhirst won the MPG Mix Engineer of the Year Award (sponsored by Solid State Logic). Tom mixed ★ with Tony.


Go here to watch a rather humbled Mr Visconti on being presented with that well-deserved Outstanding Contribution to UK Music Award, courtesy of PPL.


Congratulations to Tony and Tom and to all involved with the making of ★



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