NHS enlists Aladdin Sane to encourage new blood donors


“Blood, blood, blood”


The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK, needs around 200,000 new registered blood donors every year to keep donor levels stable and research shows that a lack of knowledge about the process could be holding people back from donating.

During National Blood Week (10-16 June 2013), the NHS are hoping to get 10,000 new and returning donors to register to donate and they’ve enlisted Aladdin Sane to help reach that target. Here’s the blurb…


Blood Donors Can Be Heroes, For More Than One Day

Bowie-inspired poster appeals for donors to ‘come back’ during National Blood Week (10-16 June 2013)


To help halt a decline in regular blood donors NHS Blood and Transplant is appealing for people to ‘come back’ and register to donate during this year’s National Blood Week, with a

new celebrity poster campaign inspired by this year’s come-back king David Bowie.

Actresses Claire Sweeney, Dawn Steele, Wendi Peters and Pooja Shah have all re-created Bowie’s iconic Aladdin Sane album shot to encourage people to ‘come back’ and register.


Read the full press release here