If You Can See Me words plus V&A footwear

“I could wear your new blue shoes”

With this track we’re half way through The Next Day and on to the words for If You Can See Me.

Though many of you have them allready, we’ll continue posting more lyrics for now.

Pretty much all of Jonathan Barnbrook‘s album cover artwork has been revealed one way or another, not least of all on his blog

So we decided we would try and post some vaguely-relevant-to-the-lyrics images from the upcoming David Bowie is Exhibition at The V&A.  

Pictured today are the blue, blue, ’lectric blue boots that Bowie wore for Mick Rock’s Pin-Ups album cover session.

We all presumed they were shoes actually, but you can view them here for the first time in all their unhidden glory.

And so, the words.



If You Can See Me  (David Bowie)
If you can see me I can see you
I could wear your new blue shoes
I should wear your old red dress
And walk to the crossroads
So take this knife
And meet me across the river
Just shoots and ladders and this is the kiss
American anna fantasticalsation
From nowhere to nothing
And I go way back
Children swarm like thousands of bugs
Towards the lights the beacons above the hill
The stars to the West, the South, the North
And to the East
Now you could say I’ve got a gift of sorts
A fear of rear windows and swinging doors
A love of violence a dread of sighs
If you can see me I can see you
If you can see me I can see you
I have seen these bairns wave their fists at God
Swear to destroy the beasts stamping the ground
In their excitement for tomorrow
I could wear your new blue shoes
I should wear your old red dress
And walk to the crossroads
So take this knife
And meet me across the river
I will take your lands and all that lays beneath
The dust of cold flowers prison of dark ashes
I will slaughter your kind who descend from belief
I am the spirit of greed a lord of theft
I’ll burn all your books and the problems they make
If you can see me I can see you
If you can see me