Barnbrook On Working With Bowie On

I will hold a lighted lamp and we shall work together….

Had a couple of those designer types send in a pointer to this story. It’s from and it’s an interview with designer and typographer, Jonathan Barnbrook, who you will know from his work on Heathen and Reality.

You may also remember that Barnbrook is involved with the upcoming Bowie: Object book which we told you about back in September. (09.26.2010 NEWS: DAVID BOWIE’S BOOK OF ONE HUNDRED ARCHIVE OBJECTS)

It seems the readers of are just as keen to find out more about the Barnbrook/Bowie working relationship as the readers of these news pages are…I’ll leave you with the relevant bit…


And finally, here is a question that many of our readers may be dying to ask: what was it like to work with David Bowie?

I am happy to say he is pleasure to work with. It is always interesting to see how much ?being worshipped? affects people. They can become a spoiled child, a person detached from reality. I am happy to say that David Bowie is none of these. He has come out of a pretty ?eventful? life ? drug addiction, leader of rebellion for a generation, messiah to each wave of disaffected youths ? with a sense of humor and a level head. He is always very good in his criticism, respectful of my creativity and respectful of the people who like his music. I just wish more of the famous people who I had worked with were like him.

I always think it?s a great test if you like somebody?s music or art more after you have worked with them than before, as you get to see them at their worst, when they are angry, disappointed, egotistical, but (and I hope I don?t sound too gushing) I have gained an insight into his work knowing the person, and I like it much more because of it. He really has been the perfect person to work with. Thankfully he seems to enjoy working with me too as we are continuing to collaborate on a few projects.

We can?t wait to see the outcome. Thank you for your insights!


You can read the full thing here. Thanx to BowieNetters Pollyk and Gerry Daly for the link.