Signed Guitar Contest

We can’t avoid the Clash…

Hot-on-the-heels of the contest, (01.29.2010 NEWS: SONY MUSIC LINK FOR SIGNED REALITY TOUR CD AND GUITAR) Clash magazine in the UK now has another signed guitar contest to join the who knows how many so far.

Here’s a bit of how the mag is tempting you to enter…as if you needed persuading…


Clash is giving away an Airline Twin Tone guitar in white, daubed in permanent marker by the man himself. To think, it was written with the same hand that penned ?Life On Mars?. If only a fraction of his magic pixie dust has infused this axe, then you?re in for some dazzling days ahead.


And the impossibly hard question you are asked for your chance to win, is: What is David Bowie’s real name?

They’ve also been a bit more generous than most with their closing date of March 19th 2010.