Ziggy Fdc Day Four Plus Royal Mail On Stamp Regulations

Battle For Britain (The Letter) Day 4…

The Royal Mail has been in touch with a clearer position on the “no living personality other than royalty is allowed to appear on a British stamp” issue that we raised in yesterday’s news.

Here’s a bit from Philip Parker, Head of Stamp Policy at the Royal Mail…


There are living people on stamps – I thought Royal Mail did not do that?

Royal Mail may show living people on stamps if they are part of a major collective achievement or best demonstrate a particular subject. The Ziggy Stardust stamp includes a painting of David Bowie in the character of Ziggy Stardust, and so that is permitted. It is not unlike the Hammer Horror stamps we issued in 2008 which featured a painting of Christopher Lee as Dracula.


What, Ziggy Stardust not unlike Dracula? I think not, Philip! };-)

Anyway, on to the latest instalment of our win a signed FDC doo dah…

Above is the fourth letter in our contest to win a signed Ziggy Stardust first day cover. See last Friday’s original news item if you’re not sure what this is all about. (01.08.2010 NEWS: WIN ROYAL MAIL ZIGGY STARDUST FDC SIGNED BY BOWIE)

We’ve taken letters from several different Bowie album covers and your job over the next couple of weeks or so will be to identify the album each of the letters came from.

You don’t have to do anything just yet. But eventually you’ll not only have to identify the album the letter came from, but also the letters will form an anagram of a Bowie song title that you’ll need to work out.

FOOT NOTE: Stay tuned for an ‘early bird’ contest where members who think they have already guessed the song title get a chance to win before everybody else!