Looks so wrong and out of place…
With a little under two weeks until the final batch of iSELECTBOWIE territories get their CDs (North America October 14th) we thought it would be nice to give a handful away.
EMI have given us five copies, one of which could be yours if you correctly identify the anagram from the list of ten below that isn’t an anagram of iSELECTBOWIE…
Belie Cow Site
Boil Sweet Ice
Bowie Sect Lie
Elbow Ice Ties
Lice Bites Woe
Low Bee Cities
Lo Website Ice
Obese Lice Wit
Ole Bi Sweetie
Stoic Ewe Bile
These anagram contests do seem to be popular and they do give more of a chance to the non-expert.
To be in with a chance of being one of the lucky five, send your answer to me here before midnight NY time on Friday October 10th.
Usual BowieNet rules apply: Only one entry per BowieNet account per week, and please remember you must enter using your BowieNet e-mail or at least supply your BowieNet user name. If you do neither of these things you won’t be eligible to enter.
To ensure speedy delivery of your prize, you may want to include your postal details in your entry so that we can post on the Saturday morning ahead of the North American release on Tuesday October 14th.