The tracks are on TV…
Following on from the use of Sound And Vision in Radio 2s Amazing Music TV ad, (09.18.2008 NEWS: SOUND AND VISION USED IN BBC TV ADVERT MASH-UP) the song is on TV again in the UK plugging The Edge Of The Seventies triple CD, above, which includes the 1977 smash hit from Low…Mixed emotions here as I originally thought it might be a compilation of U2‘s teenage guitarist’s finest moments.
Out this week, The Edge Of The Seventies is joined by another triple CD, released concurrently, The Mix Tapes, which describes itself as ‘alternative music from the late 70s and 80s’.
This CD has the 1980 dancefloor-filler Fashion kicking off proceedings, as does Sound And Vision on the other compilation…makes a nice change from Queen always being the lead-off track on these things.
Click on the image above to enter a contest to win a copy of The Edge Of The Seventies.