Any day now… (Well, Sunday to be precise)
More concerned e-mails regarding the iSELECTBOWIE CD. It seems some of you were expecting it with the
But, as we stated in previous stories, ((06.16.2008 NEWS: NEW BOWIE RECORDING ON M.O.S. iSELECTBOWIE CD & 06.21.2008 NEWS: M.O.S. iSELECTBOWIE CD ALSO AVAILABLE IN IRELAND) it’s actually with this coming weekend’s Mail On Sunday and The Irish Mail on Sunday both published Sunday, June 29th.
If you’re one of those generous sorts helping out fellow BowieNetters to get a copy, it may be a good idea to order up front as some newsagents may put a limit on the amount you can buy and it’s bound to sell out very quickly anyway.
Stay tuned for another bit from DB regarding one of the songs on the CD, shortly.