Rex Ray Give-away Part 10 Winner Shock

For I’ve never been a winner in my life…

Being the last week of our ten-week Rex Ray contest (04.06.2008 NEWS: THE GREAT REX RAY GIVE-AWAY STARTS TODAY) things are sad enough without me wittering on.

Having said that, I’m sure you will all want to join me in thanking Rex for his extraordinary generosity one last time…and also many thanx to DB for signing all of the prints.

And so, straight on to our final winner who is now the proud owner of the above AP which we told you all about last week. (06.08.2008 NEWS: REX RAY GIVE-AWAY PART 9 WINNER – PART 10 IS GO)

Of all of the contests so far this year, this particular contest will remain with us the longest…because not only is it…not only is it the last contest of the year…Ooops, sorry. Got carried away.

The winner is: tonyday

I’m sure you’ll all want to join me in wishing tonyday hadn’t won…So undeserving of such a wonderful prize. But, The Random Generator has spoken and the result is what it is and can’t be changed.

Well done tonyday, I suppose. Don’t bother sending us your real name and address, I’ll hand your prize over if ever I bump into you again.

Tune in next Sunday for nothing in particular.