Bowie's One Meltdown Regret

Living in a golden age, the golden age, the golden age now…

This item very nearly got away…But, it’s still well worth a mention now.

The Observer in the UK recently took a look back at the Meltdown festival over the last fifteen years and they managed to get quotations from a few of the curators too. Here’s what David Bowie had to say about his missed opportunity to wow audiences with British music from days of yore…


“One thing I regret now is that I didn’t do a ‘British Rock in the Movies’ week. It could have provided more than a couple of smiles. How about 1958’s The Golden Disc, where pop star Terry Dene has to move over for Ginger Baker’s mentor Phil Seamon and his band? Nice.”


Above is the poster for The In-Between Age, aka The Golden Disc, introducing Terry Dene. Phil Seamon and His Jazz Group are indeed listed as playing themselves in the movie and I for one am gutted that DB didn’t pull this one off. Still, never say never.