In magicians’ mysterious sleeves…
Finally, here’s the contest to win a highly sought after artist’s proof of the magnificent Ziggy Stardust album cover print signed by both David Bowie and Terry Pastor, (see above) donated by the lovely people at
It’s going to be a three-parter with a second part in the week, and a final part next Sunday. You don’t need to send in any answers until the final part, but here are five easy questions to be thinking on for the first part.
01 ~ Who was the original photographer for both the Hunky Dory and Ziggy Stardust cover shots?
02 ~ What type of airbrush did Terry Pastor use to colour up the Hunky Dory and Ziggy Stardust sleeves?
03 ~ What was the name of George Underwood and Terry Pastor’s design company responsible for the Hunky Dory and Ziggy Stardust sleeves?
04 ~ What David Bowie album has as its back cover a George Underwood illustration?
05 ~ What is the name of the medical condition that David has and that George Underwood is responsible for? (And no, it’s not an STD you gutter-minded fiends!)
As I say, don’t send in your answers just yet, but do stay tuned for part two during the week.