Italian Rs Has Bowie Cover And Retrospective

From deep behind sixty year old eyes…

Mr Sane graces the front cover of the January 2007 edition of Rolling Stone magazine in Italy, above, for a celebration issue in honour of David Bowie’s 60th birthday…hot-on-the-heels of a similar edition in Spain. (12.02.2006 NEWS: SPANISH RS HAS BOWIE COVER AND RETROSPECTIVE)

Apart from the front cover of this issue, BowieNetter Stefano from informs me that it’s another 12-page retrospective that again looks at the career of David Bowie through interviews with the magazine.

If it helps any (actually, I’ve just done this for the fun of it) here’s the translation of the Italian blurb into English using Babel Fish Translation…

David Bowie: 8 January 2007 the “alieno” enters in the third age. We have travelled over again its career through 30 years of interviews with RS and storys of two witnesses (we say) ocular.

Which is fair enough when one considers how famous ‘its’ ocular irregularities are…Now that’s the kind of sentence I probably wouldn’t have guessed I’d have to write about David Bowie.