Complete Bowie Comp And Nick Pegg In Chat Tomorrow

For just one time, Tomorrow night, Tomorrow night…

We told you about BowieNetter Nick Pegg‘s revised and expanded fourth edition of The Complete David Bowie at the beginning of the week, (07.17.2006 NEWS: REVISED COMPLETE DB SIGNING AND LAUNCH PARTY) when we also promised to run a competition to win signed copies of the book no self-respecting Bowie fan should be without.

But, before the contest, it is with much pleasure that I can announce that Nick will be popping into BowieNet chat tomorrow evening (Sunday 23rd) at 6:00pm UK time. It’s an informal thing that we are aiming to run for an hour or so, but we’ll see how it goes.

And so, onto the contest which consists of two questions set by Nick himself, and here they are…


Question 1: Readers of The Complete David Bowie will know that the first section of the book consists of an A-Z of every song written, covered, performed live or in any way contributed to by David Bowie. Several songs will be making their first appearances in the new edition. So, purely alphabetically, what will be the first “new” entry in the 2006 edition?

Question 2: How many years separate the two photographs that appear on the front cover (above) of the new edition of The Complete David Bowie?


We have five signed copies of the book to give away. In the event that your are one of the lucky winners and you would prefer your copy personalised to you from Nick, you must say who you want the dedication made to in your competition entry.

The contest ends at midnight on Friday 28th July to give us time to organise the signing of the winners’ books with Nick at the aforementioned signing session in London on Saturday, August 5th. The books will be dispatched soon after that date.

So, send your two answers to me here with your dedication (if you want one) and your real name and address to speed your delivery up a bit.

Don’t forget to come and talk to Nick in BowieNet chat at 6:00pm tomorrow…but don’t expect any help with those questions!