Labyrinth Released On Sony Psp

I, I will be Goblin King…

I know there’s an incredibly high percentage of you reading this that are honorary members of the Labby Kids Club and Labyrinth-related events are as popular as ever. (07.04.05 NEWS: LABYRINTH OF JARETH MASQUERADE SOLD OUT)

Well, though it’s been out for a while, it seems some of you have missed the fact that the full-length widescreen film has now been released in the Region 1 territories in yet another new format, Sony’s UMD Mini For PSP, which claims to be DVD quality.

Though it seems that the public aren’t going mad for this latest format just yet, let’s hope for Sony that it endures a little better than the Digital Compact Cassette (DCC) audio format released by Philips in the early 90s…I’ve still to find somebody with a machine that I can play my Ziggy Stardust DCC on!