David Live And Stage Dvd-audio Contest

When I’m 5.1…

As we told you back in July, (07.26.05 NEWS: DAVID LIVE AND STAGE DVD-AUDIO RELEASE DATE) both David Live (DVDA 874 3049) and Stage (DVDA 863 4369) are released with Tony Visconti‘s brilliantly created mixes in the 5:1 surround sound DVD-Audio format today (tomorrow in North America), more than a year since we first announced that they would be produced. (08/25/04 NEWS: DAVID LIVE AND STAGE REISSUE DETAILS)

To celebrate the event we have ten copies of each to give away, courtesy of those jolly good eggs at EMI. Special thanks to Nigel Reeve and Jo Brooks at EMI for their generosity when it comes to BowieNet contests and for their brilliant work on the Bowie back catalogue generally.

Here once again is what each DVD-A contains…

~ MLP 5.1 (for playing on DVD-A players) 48kHz 24 bit
~ DTS 5.1 (for playing on DVD-A and DVD-V players) 48kHz 24 bit
~ Stereo (new mix as per released CDs playable on DVD-A and DVD-V players) 48kHz 24 bit
~ Photo gallery which includes images used on packaging, and scans of related record sleeves, press adverts and memorabilia.

These releases truly are an incredible listening experience as witnessed by those lucky BowieNetters who got to hear both the albums at Abbey Road back in February. (02.14.05 NEWS: ABBEY ROAD PLAYBACK…BOWIENETTERS REPORT)

Anyway, we have ten copies of each for ten BowieNetters to win…each winner will receive a copy of both David Live and Stage.

And so onto the rather easy question, that, even if you don’t know the answer off the top of your head, is very easy to find online…

A European country deemed one of the tracks on David Live far too risqué for inclusion when the vinyl version of the album was originally released on RCA. What we want to know is, what was the country and which track did they remove?

Send your answer to me here.

Usual rules apply: Only one entry per BowieNet account. Also, please remember you must enter using your BowieNet e-mail or at least supply your BowieNet user name.

The competition ends at midnight UK time on Sunday November 20th, and we’ll announce the winners next Monday morning.

Also released today are the non-digipak versions of the albums (above) for those that aren’t so keen on ‘difficult’ packaging and for completists like me!

I’m also duty bound to point out to the collectors among you that there are promos of the DVD-As (above) which contain discs with no printing on them and were made available to reviewers and the like. They’re also next to impossible to find!

Just to complete the picture, the original EMI digipak versions (above) should still available in your local record emporium, though I guess they will gradually disappear to make way for aforementioned non-digipak versions. Phew! …I think that’s about it.