David Checks Out The Pillowman

They got a message from The Pillowman…

David Bowie and wife Iman went along to see Martin McDonagh‘s The Pillowman, at the Booth Theatre on New York’s Broadway last night.

The couple were accompanied by Coco, Lou Reed and Laurie Anderson for what was clearly a most memorable evening. I asked David how he enjoyed the performance, and he replied thus:

“The play was magnificent, a great slab of dark unholy comic horror. We all had a blast and were suitably impressed with Jeff Goldblum as a stage actor. Just terrific.”

David and Iman at the Booth last night. (Photos by Peter Kramer/Getty Images)

The official Playbill site also reported a few very interesting words they managed to get from David after the play. Here follows the closing paragraph from the full piece which you can read here.


For one of the first-nighters, the evening was a little like going home again: David Bowie, whose only previous contact with Broadway was at the Booth, replacing Philip Anglim in the original production of The Elephant Man. (Interestingly, Crudup did the revival of The Elephant Man.) “It was a wonderful way to go back,” he said. “What a superb play! It certainly did seem nostalgic to me. Even the smell of the place.”

And did that stir up some Broadway juices? “Actually, that has occurred to me. We’ll see what the future brings.” And would the future be bringing him in a musical? “I’m not saying.”


Iman proudly shows off her very own Elephant Man. Steady ladies!

Hmmm…interesting stuff. Well, if ever he is saying, hopefully we’ll get to hear about it first.