The Great Bowienet Holiday Give-away – Part 1

No gifts of money do we give… (But we could save you a few bob over the next week)

Firstly… A very merry Christmas to those of you that celebrate such things, and happy holidays to the rest of you, from everybody here at BowieNet. I’d also like to thank everybody who has sent me e-mails and e-cards personally, thank you so much for that… and to those of you that have sent e-mails to me to forward to David, rest assured they have been sent, as will be any more I am sent today.

OK, on to that give-away. We’ll start gently. We have five copies of the above two-disc Reality set that includes the album on CD, and a region 2 encoded DVD of the Reality portion of September’s Riverside show in Hammersmith. It may be worth checking that you can actually play region 2 on your player before entering… don’t worry there’s plenty more to come yet… and everybody can enter as many of the contests as they want to.

This one’s easy to enter, to make up for the fact that the next ones are going to be a bit of a challenge. So all you need to do is send an e-mail to me at with a subject line of: BowieNet Holiday Give-Away Part 1.

I’ll announce the winners a week from now, on January 1st 2004, after TRG has selected five of you when the competition ends at midnight UK time on New Year’s Eve.

Usual rules, only one entry please, and if possible e-mail from your BowieNet account. If for some reason you can’t use your BowieNet account, then you must at least include your BowieNet user name in your entry.

Stay tuned for more shortly.