Reminder – Two Hours To Berlin Broadcast

If I did casually mention tonight…

I’m sure none of those that can watch it have forgotten the Sat 1 broadcast of David’s 22nd September 2002 performance at the Max Schemling Halle in Berlin in a couple of hours. But here’s a reminder just in case.

If the preview tape I have is at all accurate then the broadcast, that commences at midnight (CET), consists of the following tracks:

01 Cactus
02 Slip Away
03 I’m Afraid of Americans
04 5.15 The Angels Have Gone
05 I’ve Been Waiting For You
06 “Heroes”
07 Heathen
08 Rebel Rebel
09 Survive
10 Alabama Song
11 Afraid
12 Everyone Says ‘Hi’
13 Hallo Spaceboy

I know of no plans at the moment to broadcast, or indeed release, the whole show… but one can live in hope.

NB: According to Gobrian over at BowieWonderWorld, “if you have an analogue dish, the broadcast is free and unscrambled on Sat 1 (Astra transponder 6) at 11:00pm (GMT) UK time. Sat1 teletext page 384 has all the details.”