Bowienet Allocation Of Tibet Tickets On Sale Now

To the seat with the clearest view…part 232

You should all now have had e-mails regarding the BowieNet allocation of tickets for the Tibet House Benefit Concert in New York City, which are now on sale. This is a second chance for those of you that weren’t successful when the tickets went on general sale recently. If for some reason you have not received an e-mail, simply click on the link above to take you to the David Bowie Online Ticketing page.

Tickets are priced in four price brackets ranging from $42.50 to $115.50. You will find all the instructions you need to order when you arrive at the Online Ticketing page, so please be sure to read carefully.

Please remember if you are ordering internationally (outside of the USA) your tickets can not be shipped to you. Please use “USA” as the country field as this show is BOX OFFICE PICK-UP for all international orders. Also use NY in the State/Province/Region field even though you are obviously not in New York… Don’t worry, this method does work.

These tickets are a separate allocation to the five pairs reserved for auction, the second pair of which are up on ebaY. (01/05/03 NEWS: TIBET TICKETS 2ND CHARITY AUCTION IS LIVE) This BowieNet/ebaY auction for the second pair of front row tickets currently stands at $1,025.00 with almost two days still left to go. If you want to join in the bidding simply click on the image below.