More Rumours Quashed By Db Himself!

A frustrated DB photographed by Sukita back in ’77,
during a severe bout of particularly silly rumours.

Round and round the rumours fly…

For those that don’t regularly visit the message boards, I feel duty-bound to report that David has dismissed a couple of the sillier recent rumours, pooh-poohing the Daily Telegraph’s retirement speculation in particular as “absolute codswallop”! This is how he tackled the rumours on the MBs earlier today:

Rumours et al

Couple of squashes for you.

1. I have no plans to retire.
2. I have not been approached to play a show in Bali.
3. I am writing like crazy for the next album.

Happy New Year.


So there you have it, straight from the old goat’s mouth, so to speak.