…for maybe the last time…
OK, we now have the randomly selected winners from part two of the competition. If you see your BowieNet e-mail address in the list below, you should respond to me at TotalBlamBlam@DavidBowie.com immediately, with your real name, and confirm that you will definitely attend. Please use a subject line of: “Signing Competition Part Two Winner”. So, here are the second lot of 20 very lucky winners, who all get to meet David Bowie at HMV, 150 Oxford Street on Monday:
3 = clarkgwent@davidbowie.com
4 = welwnrose@davidbowie.com
10 = nuttyelaine2002@davidbowie.com
26 = newton@davidbowie.com
27 = wsmedley@davidbowie.com
32 = me@davidbowie.com
36 = celine@davidbowie.com
49 = milhouse@davidbowie.com
54 = richn@davidbowie.com
56 = kashaw@davidbowie.com
58 = pymander@davidbowie.com
68 = screamie1@davidbowie.com
83 = tonysprung@davidbowie.com
102 = somebraveapollo@davidbowie.com
103 = winny@davidbowie.com
104 = stevenbarfield@davidbowie.com
122 = keithbubb@davidbowie.com
135 = ladyart@davidbowie.com
142 = soniah@davidbowie.com
154 = ging81@davidbowie.com
I will send out a confirmation e-mail to all sixty winners on Sunday, but rest assured, if you’ve been listed here as a winner, you will get in on Monday. Please remember that you may not enter again if you have already won a place. As pretty well everybody noticed yesterday’s missing word was I, which was missing from ‘I Took A Trip On A Gemini Spaceship’.
OK the rest of you, here’s your last chance to win a place. Please re-read the rules below, as some of you are being disqualified, probably quite unnecessarily, for not following these very simple rules. Don’t panic, there is still time to read them, you have until midnight!
HMV signing competition, third and final part – Please read carefully…
You all know how this is working by now, but to recap, look at the image above. It contains all of the song titles from ‘Heathen’, except that one of the titles has a word missing. What is that word?
The RulesYou must enter the competition using a BowieNet e-mail address. If you do not mail from a BowieNet address for whatever reason, (You’re at work or the BowieNet mail is down, for example) you must at least supply your BowieNet address in your e-mail so we can check that you are actually a paid-up member.
Do not send more than one entry, unless you are just worried the first didn’t go through. Duplicate e-mails are deleted, so that every one who enters has an equal chance of winning.
You must use a subject line of: The last missing word is… when you send your entry to me at TotalBlamBlam@DavidBowie.com. If you don’t, your e-mail won’t find its way to the correct competition inbox and will most likely be ignored. This should happen automatically when you just click on my name above.
Each of the three parts of the competition close at midnight London time. Entries that arrive after this time will not be entered for the competition.
The winners of today’s competition will be notified in the news tomorrow. Hope that all makes sense… Good luck. };-)