
Lyrics: © Bessie Jackson 1935. Image: © Johane Matte 2002

When you’re a boy, you can wear a uniform..

Early Performances : Metro : Recent

A recent edition of the UK commuter magazine ‘Metro’ carried this snippet about David’s early career. “David Bowie’s earliest known ‘performance’ was in the early 1950’s. He went Carol singing in Bromley, Kent, with a classmate from Raglan Primary School and collected £2/2s for Bromley Blind Club. The young David… later sang three Lonnie Donegan songs at the 18th Bromley Scout troop’s annual camp, playing a single-stringed bass he made from a tea chest and broom handle.” Spotted by SusanS, this snippet has also inspired our cartoonist BowieNetter, Ysengrin, as you can see. Click on the picture for a larger version. (SusanS)

Image : NME

You tacky thing, you put them on

Bobby Conn : NME : 05/04/02

Bobby Conn, who will be appearing at David Bowie’s Meltdown Festival on Friday 28th June, was afforded a full page spread in NME last week. He has also featured at the ‘ON’ microsite which aims to showcase ‘tomorrow’s stars today’. They said “Chicagoan Bobby Conn?s most recent album, ?The Golden Age?, filters the maddest excesses of ?70s rock, glam and disco through the mind of a natural punk, and uses this unusual musical backdrop as a springboard for a brilliant, personal odyssey. Soon British audiences will be able to witness this dizzy rebellion first-hand when Bobby plays these shores – but expect the unexpected.” Check out Bobby’s official page, here, and you can also take a look at this article from ‘This Is London’ which reviews a show in February of this year. Intriguing!

Defining his generation : The Guardian: 05/03/02

In an article discussing how British music continues to conquer the globe, David is namechecked as one of a handful of artists who were the defining voices for their respective generations. They say: “British music is the most innovative, the most revolutionary and the most in tune with the feelings of global youth. From the Beatles through David Bowie, the Sex Pistols and the Stone Roses to Oasis, the defining voice of each new generation across the world has been British.”

Interview : Peter Frampton Biography : 05/23/02

If you missed David’s interview last year, for a TV biography on Peter Frampton (05/17/01 NEWS: FRAMPTON COMES ALIVE ON A&E (BUT NOT TONIGHT!), and you are in the USA, you have another chance to see it. It airs on the Biography channel, 23rd May, at 10.00am and 4.00pm ET. Check out the Bowie Calendar for more.

Labyrinth : Annual Masquerade : 07/25/02

The date for this year’s fifth annual ‘Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade’ has been released. The ball will be held within the Historic Abbey at 2825 Fifth Ave, San Diego, California. The announcement tells us: “The goblins have their trumpets ready and the fey are always anxious to play. Glitter the gossamer of your wings and get ready to share another year of magic within the Goblin Court.” Doors open at 8pm – introduction at 9:30pm. Costumes or Masks are Mandatory! Imaginative costumes are highly recommended. Tickets will be available in advance for $20.00 each. Further details, here.
