When you’re a boy…They’ll never clone ya…
Taking over from the Pusher installation, the Band of One is launched tomorrow (15th March 2002) at Tower Records, Piccadilly, London. There will be exclusive band pictures, videos and limited edition merchandising on display at the store?s tube station entrance and throughout the shop until 16th April. Here’s a bit about the project from the
“Artist Anthony Gross has produced a Boy Band of 3D computer clones using mainstream software customised with downloads from the Internet. The figures, with their exaggerated bodies but angelic looks, pose for the viewer with the coy camaraderie of the typical boy band poster. Whilst intended as formal studies of group male exhibitionism, these images also raise questions concerning the commodification of the body within a generic pop industry.”
As far as I can make out, there is no actual audio product available by Band of One, which takes the idea of a manufactured group to a ridiculous and hilarious conclusion. Eat your heart out