The story of this new collaboration has caught the attention of a whole string of music news sites around the world. It also seems to have been an excuse for the new media journalists to concoct some terrible puns…
Dotmusic : P Ziggy – “I wanted to make sure it helped out with the movie,” Puffy explained. “Cause right now when people do soundtracks I just think at times it’s a bunch of records, nobody is making a record in mind for the soundtrack like it used to be.”
Bowie said: “We’re doing live vocals. It’s not really so much like a sampling kind of affair.”
RadioUndercover : P. Diddy and Z. Iggy are remixing Bowie’s ‘This Is Not America’ for the soundtrack to the new Denzal Washington / Ethan Hawke movie Training Day.
NME : Captioned their picture of David, smoking a cigarette – “David Bowie – ‘No, this isn’t what I meant by having a Puff’ “
Some sites did manage to restrain themselves and actually provide some additional information…
Sonicnet : “I’m in the studio recording with Sean,” Bowie said, backing up his collaborator. “We’re doing live vocals. It’s not really so much like a sampling kind of affair. The first time we did it we had a lot fun, it was kind of cool, but we might as well have phoned in our performances, because it was done 2,000, 3,000 miles apart. This time, really, it’s like a nice thing.” and
“This version’s definitely got a menace,” Bowie said of “This Is Not America.” “The beats will be very interesting because it’s definitely moved on from what you’d expect. There’s a fast techno flavor to it. It’s got an aggression to it that really reflects the movie, which I think is a good thing.”
Stories also at Manhunt and Billboard which include the film release date and the full soundtrack listing.
Click on the names to see the complete stories.
(contributors : susans, pozie, spaceface)