Today’s UK Sunday Times (Culture) has selected not just All Saints but also Christiane F for Record(s) Of The Week! Only six of each week’s new pop releases are chosen for review, along with one stand out album which takes the hallowed “Record Of the Week” spot on the far left of the “On Record” page. The reviewer obviously couldn’t choose between David’s two latest releases, so the section covers both albums.
The former (All Saints) draws mainly, the latter (Christiane F) exclusively, from the late 1970s, arguably Bowie’s creative peak- and the time when he showed an unerring ability to pick the right collaborators. In 1977, he chose his best-ever team: the producer Tony Visconti, reinventing the sound of a drum kit; Brian Eno; the ultra-funky rhythm section of Dennis Davis, George Murray and Carlos Alomar; and occasional guest appearances by prog-guitar-god Robert Fripp.
On All Saints : These (tracks from The Buddha Of Suburbia and ‘hours…’) fit perfectly with their more revered predecessors, making an album that has its own coherence.
It (Christiane F) will appeal because, combining as it does the sashaying funk of Stay and Station to Station with the art-pop of TVC 15 and Boys Keep Swinging, it may just be the ideal Euro-Bowie CD for the car.
The full review is also available online. Click here to read it all.