Bowie Provides Sample…sordid Details Following

Oh no don’t say it’s true…

No…Not that sort of sample. Actually I don’t think there is a Bowie sample on the recording at all, but it caught your eye didn’t it! After all the airplay that it has received, and the fact that BowieNutter Chris Gaffney first alerted me to it at least twenty seven years ago, Samantha Mumba’s ‘Body ll Body’ seems like a Golden Oldie already. But the song that has an ‘L Burton, S Skarbek, D Bowie’ writing credit is actually released today. For those that don’t already know, this sure-fire chart-topper borrows quite heavily from ‘Ashes to Ashes’, and I for one wish the young Irish lass every success with it!

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)