Never Mind The Sex Pistols…here's The Winners

Were you lucky, punk?

I know we originally said this competition “is open until this time next week”…But obviously, we (or more accurately, I) meant this time next month…which is now!

We asked: What David Bowie song is not only featured on the soundtrack but also enjoys a quick burst in the film itself?… To which the people below correctly offered The Jean Genie.

If you are listed above, please send your name and address to with a subject heading of ‘Sex Pistols Winners’, and you can expect your copy of ‘The Filth And The Fury’ much faster than you would normally receive competition prizes, because the most generous BowieNetter Rus Philips, who kindly donated these prizes, has the extra help of his son Ryan to ensure speedy delivery.

On a serious note, I am finally on the case with undelivered competition prizes. Please accept my sincere apologies for being so incredibly slack in this department, but in the words of Johnny and the boys, “I’m a lazy sod!”…Actually I’m not, but why ruin a good link?

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)