That’s right – the new version of the BowieArt Website is set to launch inthe very new future. The new version differs from the currentsite in the fact that it now features graduating students from London’s RoyalCollege of Art, allof whom have been given free pages on the site. It also includes the artistsrun initiative Assembly (Goldsmith’s and RCA graduates), which brings the total number of featured artists on BowieArt up to about 150 – and of course the site also features some never before seen art from David as well!
However, before the site launches early next week, we need some sharpBowieNetters to give it a test drive! We are looking for a few web savvyindividuals to spend a little time on the site and give us your feedback.If you are interested in helping out, please send an e-mail to with bowieart testdrive in the subject line.Look for a reply which will include all the relevant information.Please respond today by 7PM EST if you’d like to help out – we are looking forabout 30-40 volunteers.
Thanks in advance for your help!