Bowienet Show Journal Part One

All the nice girls like this Sailor

Some of the more analytical among you may be wondering why I decided to post these entries so far after the events they chronicle. There is logic to this tactic, honestly. Right now you are all suffering from the nasty end-of-tour comedown that affects everyone, from you the fans, to the band members, and even after all these years, I dare to venture that David feels a little sadness too.

OK – So imagine if I had posted these journals as they happened. They would have been lost in the glut of reports that were being posted everywhere, and more importantly, you would have no fresh reminders acting as a pick-me-up to take the nasty edge from the withdrawal you are suffering now…How many of you are OK with this lame excuse I wonder?

Whatever, If you weren’t there, then go here, If you were, then go here instead. But please be certain to click the right button.

Total Blam Blam (Our European Correspondent back home)