New Release Date In The Uk For 'survive'

While we are on the subject of ‘Survive‘, it would seem that the release of this single has been put back a week in theUK to January 24th. This date also affects Denmark, Holland, Ireland, Norway and Sweden.

But, if you really must have the recording on the 17th, then a quick flight to Austria, Greece, Switzerland or Portugalshould secure you a copy, as the release date in those countries remains unchanged. Not sure about the Europeancountries I have not mentioned, (sorry Bianca and co) suffice it to say, it will be worth the wait!

Small consolation to those who can’t have the single on the 17th will be the posting on that day, finally, of mybehind-the-scenes report from the shooting of the video…(shouts of: “Well that definitely won’t be worth thewait!”)

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)