Can You Compete?

While in the Chat -room recently, Bowie and several others noted theproliferation of Girlie calendars, cooking classes, comb collections etal, being created by members of B.Net. It was felt that Guys are notgetting as much exposure, so to speak, and it was proposed to remedythat situation immediately. Bowie, in order to redress this dastardlysituation, therefore delegated the job of Competition and Rulesmanifesto to Sir Total Blam Blam and Squire Tybalt.Herewith the result and, Bingo, the Silly Season begins a little earlythis year.

Men’s Speedo Model Competition!

1. Contestant must email a picture of themselves and a pair of speedosto( All pictures MUST contain anentrant and a pair of speedos — however, the entrant need not beactuallywearing the speedos.

2. Image size must be under 640×480 pixels in JPG or GIF format — nopictures may be over 200kb in size.

3. All entries will be voted upon by the BowieNet public,and each pic shall be rated by the BowieNetizens — 1thru 5, on a “Studliness” scale.

1st prize: A pair of Speedos signed by Bowie (in marker, PLEASE, not..well.. err). Whether the pair of briefs are used or not is up to Dave.

Runners Up: Inclusion on Tybalt’s BowieNet Hunks calendar(whatta prize!).. We might even throw in a mousepad fer the hell ofit.