Emergency, Calling Bowie

    For those of you who are watch the number one rated TV program in the US -ER – last night’s episode had a nice little “Bowie” moment.

    The ER set-up asound system to play music in the waiting room to comfort friends and familyof patients. Jerry, the desk operator was playing a variety of musicthroughout the show and was constantly being reprimanded by Dr. Greene forloud and obnoxious choices. At one point, Dr. Greene mentioned to Jerry ifhe plays another song – “he’s fired”! In another storyline – Dr. Greene iscontemplating leaving the ER to work in the NASA program as a doctor.Toward the end of the show – Jerry decides to play ‘Space Oddity‘ and it stops Dr. Greene in his tracks. Just then a waiting roomvisitor pops his heads through the reception glass and says “everyone in thewaiting room wants to hear more Bowie”. Dr. Greene then gives Jerry a voteof confidence and let’s him continue playing ER DJ. Dr. Greene decides tostay in the ER.