The David Bowie Pin Ups Radio Show


“And me I’m on a radio show”


To mark the 40th anniversary of the October 1973 release of David Bowie’s only album of cover versions, Pin Ups, we are delighted to be able to announce the David Bowie Pin Ups Radio Show.

On Oct 28th Spotify will have an exclusive stream of this fascinating curio, which was originally recorded as a promotional tool for the release of the record in 1973, but never used.

The radio show features snippets from Pin Ups interspersed with brief but nevertheless wonderful observations from Bowie regarding the bands he covers on the album, wherein he adopts his very best mockney to recall his days as a mod during the period. It’s great fun and you’re going to love it.

Meanwhile, why not reacquaint yourself with Pin Ups on Spotify now.